
Consigue ayuda

Comprender la violencia doméstica


Done ahora

Comunidad de esperanza de AVDA

AVDA promueve relaciones libres de violencia y cambio social al ofrecer opciones alternativas para terminar con la violencia y el abuso doméstico. Queremos retratar el impacto de AVDA en la comunidad en nuestra página de inicio y queremos que las personas se sientan comprometidas y sepan que las necesitamos para cumplir nuestra misión. .

Un corazón lleno de amor no tiene lugar para el odio.


Impacto aquí

No pase por alguien que lo necesite. Cuando te unes a nuestra congregación, te unes a una comunidad alimentada por el amor y la esperanza, una en la que todos son bienvenidos. Únete a nosotros y descubre el poder de la oración, la fe y la humildad.


Impacto aquí

Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Este no es solo un inquilino central del cristianismo, puede ser el que guía todo lo demás. Tratar a los demás con respeto, amabilidad y amor es lo que nos esforzamos, todos los días, en todo lo que hacemos.


Impacto aquí

No pase por alguien que lo necesite. Cuando te unes a nuestra congregación, te unes a una comunidad alimentada por el amor y la esperanza, una en la que todos son bienvenidos. Únete a nosotros y descubre el poder de la oración, la fe y la humildad.

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Impacto aquí

Tu vida es tu mensaje para el mundo. Llénalo de significado y esperanza, de amor por el Señor y de compasión por todos los hijos del Señor. Nunca estás solo cuando el Señor está contigo, y Él siempre está contigo.

Noticias destacadas

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elit consectetur adipiscing. Para la ensalada embarazada tarea, valle clínica de la narración. Oficina no tenía el fútbol, el más grande no siempre es sencillo. Pero hasta que ante la masa.
por Danielle DaRos 30 de octubre de 2024
All this month, CBS12 News has been highlighting the life-saving work of one Palm Beach County nonprofit called AVDA, which stands for Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse. We've told you the stories of survivors, and introduced you to volunteers who work around the clock to help survivors find safety, and start self-sufficient lives.
por Stefany Valderrama 16 de octubre de 2024
The non-profit Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, also known as AVDA, is raising funds for it’s many important programs. This month, they have a donor who has pledged to match up to $40,000 in contributions, so anything you donate will really make a difference.
por Whitney Erasmus 24 de septiembre de 2021
Since 2008, AVDA (Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse) has implemented the Commit to Change: Violence Prevention Initiative in Palm Beach County as we believe one of the best ways to change individual’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors about domestic and dating violence is through education. In 2015, AVDA was awarded funding from the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) to specifically work with local young men and boys to prevent domestic violence through education and mentoring. Through this mentoring, and in an effort to engage young men in promoting healthy relationships, the Committed Men Campaign was developed. This campaign encourages youth to create and spread positive messages throughout the community about healthy relationships, how to prevent dating and domestic violence, and their role in ending violence for everyone. To date, the youth have created videos, key chains, posters, songs, and this comic book, titled “A Bad Rap”; sharing these messages in a relevant form to influence positive change among their peer groups. The creation of this comic book was a collaboration between AVDA’s Violence Prevention Education team, local youth involved in Committed Men, and community partners, such as local independent Hip-Hop Artist/Author, Ramon “Absoloot” Robinson . Ramon has been working together with AVDA through the violence prevention program for five years. As to why this works means so much to him, Ramon said, “I’m a better man because of the education I’ve received from AVDA. By doing the work necessary to change myself and the community I’ve become a better mentor and ultimately better husband and father.” To celebrate the release of this comic book and the Committed Men Campaign, AVDA is hosting an event to promote the message even further. Select youth, who are a part of AVDA’s Commit to Change Initiative, will hear from music industry veteran, Paul Porter, on the influence of music and media for positive change. The “Media’s Message” event will be streamed live on AVDA’s Instagram (@AVDACommits) on September 18 from 1-3PM. “We are proud of the local youth involved in the Commit to Change Program and are excited to share this comic book showcasing their work with the public,” Pam O’Brien, AVDA’s President & CEO.
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